Tess Guinery



Tess Guinery


Tess Guinery traded her dance shoes (and 10 year career in the performing arts industry) for a Macbook Pro when an awakened passion to design and create led her to The Karl Von Busse Institute of Design in 2010. The decade that followed has been nothing short of extraordinary. Soon after graduating as dux of her year, Tess’ rare eye, distinctive voice and golden touch began to make ripples well beyond her world, inspiring people in all corners of the earth to discover beauty in the everyday.

Tess’ freelance design business grew from strength to strength as she shared her work across multiple platforms. Opportunities appeared endless, but a niggling feeling that this was not her ‘forever’ calling, prompted Tess to pause this course, unpack her truest purpose and, with renewed conviction, explore and release her inner artist.

This bold, brave and audacious sabbatical begot one of her greatest creations yet, The Apricot Memoirs. Something that started as an instinctive, romantic, playful experiment in words, colours and sounds, magically fused to become the pages of her very first book. Although its contents came from Tess’ heart, The Apricot Memoirs’ manifestation as a print publication came from the generous hearts of those she continued to speak to and connect with. It was her characteristically honest and astonishingly successful Kickstarter campaign that enabled Tess to self-publish the first of six print runs to date. In under two years, Tess’ Apricot pages (printed on illustrious French paper) and her now iconic rainbow art have blazed wildly across borders, social feeds, stores and homes around the world, leaving a golden trail of hope and wonder wherever they go.

Tess’s latest collection of words, The Moonflower Monologues, released only a year on, calls you deeper into places you have feared to tread, facing the shadows you may have been avoiding, and encourages you to lean courageously into the night seasons. Tenacious about creative growth, Tess is committed to making big, often scary, moves all in the name of faith, freedom and ‘choosing the uncomfortable’. She has an unwavering belief that “creative expression will forever grow and change - whilst her purpose will forever remain the same”. Those who tune into what Tess’ work has to say, will be struck by the treasures beneath every brush stroke and syllable. And there, amongst her outpourings, you will not only uncover Tess’ infinite inner universe, but most potently, your own.

Tess Guinery currently resides in a wholesome town in the northern rivers of Australia with her soul’s mate, Caleb, a stunt actor, their spirited daughter Peaches Wilde and identical twin girls, Hopps Golden and Junee Moon.